会员统计 |
摄影地图 |
鸟种总数 49 照片总数 61 视频总数 0 总博客条目 0 |
1. 金额丝雀 (2012-06-16) 2. 林岭雀 (2012-06-16) 3. 黑喉石䳭 (2012-06-16) 4. 棕枕山雀 (2012-06-17) 5. 大朱雀 (2012-06-17) 6. 休氏白喉林莺 (2012-06-19) 7. 黄嘴山鸦 (2012-06-21) 8. 东方叽喳柳莺 (2012-06-21) 9. 灰柳莺 (2012-06-22) 10. 粉红椋鸟 (2012-06-23) 11. 穗䳭 (2012-06-23) 12. 芦苇莺 (2012-06-24) 13. 欧夜鹰 (2012-06-24) 14. 巨嘴沙雀 (2012-06-25) 15. 灰颈鹀 (2012-06-26) 16. 纵纹腹小鸮 (2012-06-26) 17. 棕薮鸲 (2012-06-26) 18. 稻田苇莺 (2015-06-27) 19. 红背红尾鸲 (2015-06-28) 20. 黑斑蝗莺 (2015-06-28) 21. 白头鹀 (2015-06-28) 22. 斑鹟 (2015-06-29) 23. 白喉林莺 (2015-06-30) 24. 白冠攀雀 (2015-07-01) 25. 暗绿柳莺 (2015-07-01) | 26. 灰眉岩鹀 (2015-07-01) 27. 灰伯劳 (2015-07-02) 28. 漠䳭 (2015-07-03) 29. 新疆歌鸲 (2015-07-03) 30. 东方斑䳭 (2015-07-03) 31. 大短趾百灵 (2018-07-23) 32. 赤胸朱顶雀 (2018-07-24) 33. 亚洲短趾百灵 (2018-07-24) 34. 灰鹡鸰 (2018-08-15) 35. 旋木雀 (2018-08-15) 36. 普通䴓 (2018-08-15) 37. 灰白喉林莺 (2018-08-16) 38. 星鸦 (2018-08-16) 39. 红额金翅雀 (2018-08-16) 40. 雀鹰 (2018-08-16) 41. 水鹨 (2018-12-15) 42. 孤沙锥 (2018-12-15) 43. 苍鹰 (2018-12-15) 44. 大白鹭 (2018-12-15) 45. 黑喉岩鹨 (2018-12-15) 46. 长尾雀 (2018-12-16) 47. 红腰朱雀 (2018-12-17) 48. 大山雀 (2018-12-17) 49. 白尾鹞 (2018-12-17) |
2021-07-23. 赤胸朱顶雀.
2018-12-26. 灰伯劳, 水鹨, 孤沙锥, 苍鹰, 大白鹭, 黑喉岩鹨, 红额金翅雀, 旋木雀, 长尾雀, 白尾鹞.
2018-08-31. 暗绿柳莺, 灰白喉林莺, 金额丝雀, 红额金翅雀, 星鸦, 雀鹰, 普通䴓, 旋木雀, 灰鹡鸰.
2016-06-07. 灰柳莺, 斑鹟, 新疆歌鸲, 棕薮鸲, 纵纹腹小鸮, 漠䳭, 穗䳭, 红背红尾鸲, 金额丝雀, 金额丝雀, 白头鹀, 灰颈鹀, 灰眉岩鹀, 暗绿柳莺, 白冠攀雀, 棕枕山雀.
2016-05-20. 白喉林莺, 黑喉石䳭, 黄嘴山鸦, 林岭雀, 欧夜鹰.
2016-04-29. 粉红椋鸟.
2016-04-28. 稻田苇莺, 芦苇莺, 巨嘴沙雀, 大朱雀.
2016-04-26. 东方斑䳭.
2017-06-03. 转到照片 00320003201 (灰伯劳)
ptarmigan: underpart of mollis is alao vermiculated and not as clean as this one
Isabekov Askar: probably mollis which breeds in Kazakhstan part of Altai.
ptarmigan: which subspecies could it be? The breeding one funereus should be heavily vermiculated and the homeyeri should occure in winter
苟军: see:http://xinjiang.birds.watch/v2photo.php?l=cn&s=000200025&n=1&t=397&saut=0&sor=desc&sortby=1&p=0#photo
Oleg Belyalov: Thank you! This is a very surprising and important information, because the birds with the color of the back is not known nesting in the Pamir and Tien Shan. It is possible in this place nesting birds are not known ornithologists, because of there was [....]
苟军: Thanks Oleg Belyalov! This bird has extensive breeding in pamirs。
Oleg Belyalov: It is not like Sylvia althaea. Perhaps Sylvia curruca ssp.???Amazing to see this bird at this time in the big mountains
Oleg Belyalov: Sylvia althaea Hume, 1878
Askar Isabekov: Looks like Hume's Whitethroat (Sylvia althaea)
苟 军: 欢迎雷鸟兄!
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