41 693
blog posts
476 photographed species of 498 (95%)


Black Lark

Melanocorypha yeltoniensis

© Gloden Euphratica | 2019-05-04 | gan shu i he xin jiang jiao jie chu

what's new?

2025-01-19. dinmin: Red Crossbill, Coal Tit.

2025-01-17. AhuiVision: Great Egret, Ruddy Shelduck, Common Pheasant, Eurasian Wren, Pallas's Gull, dinmin: Saker Falcon, Eurasian Tree Sparrow, House Sparrow, Goldcrest, Common Goldeneye, Common Merganser, Gadwall, Greater Scaup, Yellow-legged Gull, Red-crested Pochard, Common Pochard, Pallas's Gull, Ferruginous Pochard, Azure Tit, Common Pheasant, Red-fronted Serin, Eastern Buzzard, Eurasian Treecreeper.

2025-01-16. AhuiVision: Gadwall, Upland Buzzard, Tufted Duck, Common Merganser, Common Goldeneye, Red-fronted Serin, Blue-capped Redstart, Common Buzzard, dinmin: Carrion Crow, Little Grebe, Ibisbill, Whooper Swan, yang feifei: Eurasian Wigeon, Eurasian Wigeon, Black-headed Gull, Smew, Eurasian Teal, Common Merganser, Green Sandpiper, Great Egret, Little Grebe, Western Marsh Harrier, Common Merganser, Mongolian Gull, Great Crested Grebe, Grey Heron, Common Kestrel, Greater White-fronted Goose, Upland Buzzard, Northern Lapwing, White Wagtail, Hume's Leaf Warbler, Black Stork, Great Cormorant, Crested Lark, Eurasian Skylark, Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Water Pipit, Azure Tit.

2025-01-15. yang feifei: House Sparrow, Rock Dove, Brambling, Mallard, Eurasian Magpie, Black-throated Thrush, European Greenfinch, Common Blackbird, Black Kite, Eurasian Coot, Whooper Swan, Taiga Bean Goose, Common Goldeneye, Ferruginous Pochard, Taiga Bean Goose, Ruddy Shelduck, Common Shelduck, Northern Pintail, Tufted Duck, Gadwall, Eurasian Collared Dove, Tufted Duck, Smew, Common Crane, Ferruginous Pochard, Gadwall, Hen Harrier, Eurasian Collared Dove, Eurasian Coot, White-tailed Sea Eagle, Common Pheasant, Bearded Reedling, Eversmann's Redstart, Eastern Imperial Eagle, Graylag Goose, Red-crested Pochard, Greater White-fronted Goose, Graylag Goose, Tundra Bean Goose, Swan Goose, Hen Harrier, Greater White-fronted Goose, Swan Goose, Upland Buzzard, Great Cormorant, Great Bittern, Reed Bunting, Eastern Buzzard, Long-legged Buzzard, Common Buzzard, Black-crowned Night Heron, Common Crane, Yellow-legged Gull, Grey Heron, Tarim Babbler, Steppe Eagle, Pallas's Gull, Carrion Crow.

2025-01-14. AhuiVision: Upland Buzzard, European Robin, Water Pipit.

2025-01-10. AhuiVision: White-tailed Sea Eagle, Graylag Goose, Common Kestrel, Pygmy Cormorant, Whooper Swan, Yang: Northern Goshawk.

2025-01-08. AhuiVision: Redwing.

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recent comments

2025-01-08. to photo # 00100092303 (Black Redstart)

杨宏亮: 恭喜夏老师,发现新纪录。

2024-12-30. to photo # 00100352701 (Mongolian Gull)

丁民: 黄脚银鸥

2024-12-26. to photo # 01550089501 (Siberian Stonechat)

苟军: 黑喉石即雌鸟

2024-12-25. to photo # 01720010701 (Green Sandpiper)

阿辉影像-赵春辉: 嘴未上翘,疑似白腰草鹬。

2024-12-19. to photo # 01730028201 (Black-tailed Godwit)

杨宏亮: 现在修改,黑尾塍鹬。

2024-12-19. to photo # 01260088701 (Black-throated Thrush)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 黑喉鸫

2024-12-19. to photo # 00140281901 (Kentish Plover)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 环颈鸻

2024-12-19. to photo # 00140281601 (Kentish Plover)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 环颈鸻

2024-12-19. to photo # 01730028201 (Black-tailed Godwit)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 应该是黑尾塍鹬

2024-12-19. to photo # 00140311801 (Red-crested Pochard)

小鱼: 第一张是赤嘴潜鸭

2024-12-17. to photo # 00100079101 (Oriental Cuckoo)

Balatsky Nikolay: Глухая кукушка - C. saturatus

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Big Year 2025

1. yang feifei (74)
2. AhuiVision (44)
3. dinmin (42)
4. Yang (13)

Best photos of the month

rare birds records

Pygmy Cormorant (Microcarbo pygmeus)

© daobazi
Xinjiang Changji Manas County National Wetland Park

Dec. 28, 2018, LIU Zhongde found this species in Manas River wetland.

Pied Bushchat (Saxicola caprata)

© gebi huyang

15 Sept 2018, shot from Dafdar,Tashkurghan has been confirmed a new record in Xinjiang.

Sinai Rosefinch (Carpodacus synoicus)

© Marmot
Hetian County

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)

© Allan Linn
Kuntibes, Muji, Akto

27 May 2018, photo by Allan from Kuntibes,Akto has been confirmed a new record in Xinjiang.

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unidentified birds


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阿辉影像-赵春辉: 花脸鸭


阿辉影像-赵春辉: 红嘴蓝鹊


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袁俊萍: 操作失误

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