39 436
blog posts
476 photographed species of 498 (95%)


Isabekov Askar

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total species: 75
total photos: 175
total videos: 0
total blogposts: 2

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1. Long-legged Buzzard (2016-08-06)
2. Northern House Martin (2016-08-06)
3. Pale Sand Swallow (2016-08-06)
4. Oriental Turtle Dove (2016-08-06)
5. European Turtle Dove (2016-08-06)
6. Booted Eagle (2016-08-06)
7. European Bee-eater (2016-08-06)
8. White Wagtail (2016-08-06)
9. Saxaul Sparrow (2016-08-06)
10. Rufous-tailed Shrike (2016-08-06)
11. Common Crane (2016-08-06)
12. Curlew Sandpiper (2016-08-06)
13. Kentish Plover (2016-08-06)
14. Black-winged Stilt (2016-08-06)
15. Pallas's Gull (2016-08-06)
16. Black Kite (2016-08-06)
17. Whimbrel (2016-08-06)
18. Ruddy Shelduck (2016-08-06)
19. Pied Avocet (2016-08-06)
20. Asian Short-toed Lark (2016-08-06)
21. Pacific Golden Plover (2016-08-06)
22. White-headed Duck (2016-08-06)
23. Black-necked Grebe (2016-08-06)
24. Red-crested Pochard (2016-08-06)
25. Common Starling (2016-08-06)
26. Azure-winged Magpie (2016-08-07)
27. Mongolian Ground Jay (2016-08-07)
28. Great Tit (2016-08-07)
29. Daurian Partridge (2016-08-07)
30. Xinjiang Ground Jay (2016-08-08)
31. White-winged Woodpecker (2016-08-08)
32. Carrion Crow (2016-08-08)
33. Graylag Goose (2016-08-09)
34. Great Egret (2016-08-09)
35. Isabelline Shrike (2016-08-09)
36. Black-tailed Godwit (2016-08-09)
37. Common Greenshank (2016-08-09)
38. Common Redshank (2016-08-09)
39. Terek Sandpiper (2016-08-09)
40. Little Tern (2016-08-09)
41. Barn Swallow (2016-08-09)
42. Tarim Babbler (2016-08-09)
43. Garganey (2016-08-09)
44. Grey Heron (2016-08-09)
45. Yellow-legged Gull (2016-08-09)
46. Common Cuckoo (2016-08-10)
47. Whiskered Tern (2016-08-10)
48. Black-headed Gull (2016-08-10)
49. Desert Wheatear (2016-08-10)
50. Common Tern (2016-08-10)
51. Ferruginous Pochard (2016-08-10)
52. Common Moorhen (2016-08-10)
53. Great Crested Grebe (2016-08-10)
54. Great Cormorant (2016-08-10)
55. Eurasian Collared Dove (2016-08-10)
56. Lammergeier (2016-08-10)
57. Common Raven (2016-08-10)
58. Temminck's Stint (2016-08-11)
59. Little Stint (2016-08-11)
60. Caspian Tern (2016-08-11)
61. Collared Pratincole (2016-08-11)
62. European Roller (2016-08-11)
63. Common Kingfisher (2016-08-11)
64. Northern Shoveler (2016-08-11)
65. Common Myna (2016-08-12)
66. Common Rosefinch (2016-08-12)
67. Spotted Nutcracker (2016-08-12)
68. Northern Goshawk (2016-08-12)
69. Common Kestrel (2016-08-14)
70. Common Pochard (2016-08-14)
71. Citrine Wagtail (2016-08-14)
72. Bearded Reedling (2016-08-14)
73. Isabelline Wheatear (2016-08-14)
74. House Sparrow (2016-08-14)
75. Azure Tit (2016-08-14)

recent uploads

2016-09-12. Long-legged Buzzard.

2016-09-09. Yellow-legged Gull.

2016-09-08. Garganey, Grey Heron.

2016-09-06. Northern Shoveler, Black-headed Gull.

2016-09-05. Azure Tit.

2016-09-04. White-headed Duck.

2016-09-03. House Sparrow, Rufous-tailed Shrike.

2016-09-02. Black-necked Grebe, Common Pochard, Citrine Wagtail, Bearded Reedling, Isabelline Wheatear.

2016-09-01. Common Kestrel, Azure-winged Magpie.

2016-08-29. Spotted Nutcracker, Black Kite, Northern Goshawk, Booted Eagle.

2016-08-28. Common Myna, Common Rosefinch.

2016-08-22. Pallas's Gull, Grey Heron, Rufous-tailed Shrike.

2016-08-21. Temminck's Stint, Little Stint, Terek Sandpiper, Common Redshank, Kentish Plover, Common Tern, Caspian Tern, Collared Pratincole, Common Moorhen, Great Cormorant, Pallas's Gull, Yellow-legged Gull, Great Egret, Rufous-tailed Shrike, European Roller, Rufous-tailed Shrike, Rufous-tailed Shrike, Common Kingfisher.

2016-08-20. Northern House Martin, Pale Sand Swallow, Common Cuckoo, Grey Heron, Whiskered Tern, Kentish Plover, Black-headed Gull, Yellow-legged Gull, Desert Wheatear, Common Tern, Ferruginous Pochard, Common Moorhen, Red-crested Pochard, Great Crested Grebe, Great Cormorant, White Wagtail, Eurasian Collared Dove, Black Kite, Lammergeier, Common Raven.

2016-08-19. Barn Swallow, White-winged Woodpecker, Tarim Babbler, White-winged Woodpecker, Xinjiang Ground Jay.

recent comments

2018-02-16. to post # 20170327000101 (New record of Pygmy Cormorant close to Xinjiang border)

苟军: Great!thanKs

2018-02-16. to post # 20170327000101 (New record of Pygmy Cormorant close to Xinjiang border)

Askar Isabekov: 5 days ago I found Pygmy Cormorant in Sorbulak lakes, Ili river valley. In 2017 Pygmy Cormorant also was found as a breeding bird in Alakol lake. So the chance of Xinjiang birdwatchers to view this bird is much increased. http://birds.kz/v2photo.php?l=en&s=000115061&n=1

2017-03-29. to post # 20170327000101 (New record of Pygmy Cormorant close to Xinjiang border)

black lark: 祝贺你们的新纪录!期待新疆新纪录的发现!

2017-03-29. to post # 20170327000101 (New record of Pygmy Cormorant close to Xinjiang border)

a龙: thanks a lot! now i released this information to bird watchers, and hope to observed it.

2017-02-03. to post # 20170128000101 (Happy Chinese New Year!)

苟军: Thank you Isabekov Askar!

2016-09-11. to photo # 00010001603 (Little Stint)

丫鱼: 腿长’嘴也长,颜色等又非常符合小滨鹬

2016-09-11. to photo # 00010001603 (Little Stint)

丫鱼: 疑似红颈滨鹬(Red-necked Stint),会不会是杂交的

2016-09-10. to photo # 00010001601 (Little Stint)

苟军: http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?p=3442437

2016-09-07. to photo # 00010006401 (Tarim Babbler)

a龙: @梁勇新疆北山羊 现在已改名塔里木山鹛

2016-09-07. to photo # 00010006401 (Tarim Babbler)

梁勇新疆北山羊: 谢谢苟会长,我怎么也找不到山鹛。

2016-09-05. to photo # 00010006401 (Tarim Babbler)

a龙: now we changed the name of it

2016-09-05. to photo # 00010006401 (Tarim Babbler)

苟军: 西域山鹛的英文名Tarim Babble直译为“塔里木山鹛”,中文名采用“西域山鹛”,估计是由于其分布区除塔里木盆地外,在青海、甘肃的相邻地区也有分布的原因。

2016-09-05. to photo # 00010006401 (Tarim Babbler)

苟军: IOC5.4根据(Leader et al. 2013)的观点,把山鹛 Chinese Hill Babbler Rhopophilus pekinensis 分为了两个种:1、山鹛 Beijing Hill Babbler Rhopophilus pekinensis (Swinhoe, 1868)2、西域山鹛 Tarim Babbler Rhopophilus albosuperciliaris [....]

2016-09-05. to photo # 00010006401 (Tarim Babbler)

Isabekov Askar: Rhopophilus pekinensis was separated to two full species. Now bird was photographed by us is consider as Tarim Babbler (Rhopophilus albosuperciliaris). I suggest to rename taxon.

2016-08-21. to photo # 00010002901 (Curlew Sandpiper)

black lark: very nice birds and photo!

2016-08-18. to photo # 00010001601 (Little Stint)

Askar Isabekov: I posted question to Birdforum.

2016-08-18. to photo # 00010001601 (Little Stint)

Askar Isabekov: Unfortunately I made a mistake. Red-necked Stint has shorter bill and more greyish edges of winf coverts.

2016-08-12. to photo # 00010001601 (Little Stint)

Askar Isabekov: In my opinion this bird is Red-necked Stint, because it has long primeries protection, wing coverts with broad greysh edges and washed centers, lack of supercillium. And it more reddish than Little Stints at background.

2016-08-10. to photo # 00010001201 (Mongolian Ground Jay)

苟 军: Good lucky!

2016-08-10. to photo # 00010001401 (Xinjiang Ground Jay)

苟 军: Beautiful Juv!

2016-08-10. to photo # 00010001501 (White-winged Woodpecker)

苟 军: 白翅啄木鸟站在芦苇上难得一见呀

2016-08-09. to photo # 00010001301 (Azure-winged Magpie)

Askar Isabekov: Thank you! Glad to read comment from you!

2016-08-09. to photo # 00010001201 (Mongolian Ground Jay)

Askar Isabekov: Thank you!

2016-08-08. to photo # 00010001201 (Mongolian Ground Jay)

black lark: beautiful!

2016-08-08. to photo # 00010001303 (Azure-winged Magpie)

black lark: Very Meaningful record。

Big Year 2024

1. Rick Wang (279)
2. AhuiVision (180)
3. dinmin (109)
4. Rezaq Hassan (106)
5. yang feifei (104)
6. Yang (99)
7. lixiangren (88)
8. Tiddler (84)
9. Marmot (69)
10. BAI (59)

rare birds records

Pygmy Cormorant (Microcarbo pygmeus)

© daobazi
Xinjiang Changji Manas County National Wetland Park

Dec. 28, 2018, LIU Zhongde found this species in Manas River wetland.

Pied Bushchat (Saxicola caprata)

© gebi huyang

15 Sept 2018, shot from Dafdar,Tashkurghan has been confirmed a new record in Xinjiang.

Sinai Rosefinch (Carpodacus synoicus)

© Marmot
Hetian County

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)

© Allan Linn
Kuntibes, Muji, Akto

27 May 2018, photo by Allan from Kuntibes,Akto has been confirmed a new record in Xinjiang.

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Birder阿瑞: 赤胸朱顶雀


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大显: 谢谢苟会长!


小鱼: 大鵟

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