39 436
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476 photographed species of 498 (95%)



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total species: 11
total photos: 26
total videos: 0
total blogposts: 0

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1. White-naped Crane (2011-04-28)
2. Tibetan Rosefinch (2015-08-03)
4. Brown Shrike (2020-05-29)
5. Glossy Ibis (2021-07-17)
6. Large-billed Crow (2021-11-16)
7. Red-necked Phalarope (2021-12-17)
8. Horned Grebe (2022-01-02)
9. Solitary Snipe (2022-01-17)
10. Long-tailed Duck (2022-01-20)
11. Blue-cheeked Bee-eater (2022-05-18)

recent uploads

2022-05-20. Blue-cheeked Bee-eater.

2022-02-05. White-naped Crane.

2022-01-24. Red-necked Phalarope.

2022-01-22. Large-billed Crow.

2022-01-21. Tibetan Rosefinch.

2022-01-20. Solitary Snipe, Long-tailed Duck, Horned Grebe.

2022-01-15. Eastern Bonelli's Warbler.

2022-01-12. Unkown Bird, Brown Shrike.

2021-08-08. Glossy Ibis.

recent comments

2022-05-20. to photo # 01460001801 (Blue-cheeked Bee-eater)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 2020年5月18日黄思成拍摄于塔县达布达尔(一只)。蓝颊蜂虎在帕米尔地区非常罕见的记录。

2022-02-05. to photo # 01460001701 (White-naped Crane)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 白枕鹤--2011年4月黄雅慧(丫丫)拍摄于新疆塔城。2011年度新疆鸟类新记录。

2022-01-27. to photo # 01460001501 (Large-billed Crow)

苟军: 疑似大嘴乌鸦--2021年11月16日郝志全拍摄于叶城县县城。

2022-01-24. to photo # 01460001601 (Red-necked Phalarope)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 张庆2021年12月17日拍摄于阿拉尔10团。新疆非常罕见的冬季记录,

2022-01-23. to photo # 01460000901 (Eastern Bonelli's Warbler)

Paul Holt: While it looks good for an Eastern Bonelli's Warbler without any notes on it's vocalisations I don't think that it can be confidently identified beyond being a Bonelli's Warbler sp. - it could be either Eastern (more likely on range) or Western.

2022-01-23. to photo # 01460001301 (Tibetan Rosefinch)

Paul Holt: Awesome!

2022-01-23. to photo # 01460001001 (Solitary Snipe)

Paul Holt: Gorgeous!

2022-01-22. to photo # 01460001501 (Large-billed Crow)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: Polt Holt's view on this bird:That's very difficult but the odd looking, partial albino with a few white flight feathers, has a steep forehead & pretty large bill (not as extremely big billed as the birds in Beijing but still hefty with a decent culmen [....]

2022-01-22. to photo # 01460001501 (Large-billed Crow)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 疑似大嘴乌鸦--2021年11月16日郝志拍摄于叶城县县城。

2022-01-21. to photo # 01460001301 (Tibetan Rosefinch)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 2015年新疆鸟类新记录-臧雀。2015年8月3日徐戈辉等拍摄于阿尔金山保护区与青海交界处附近。

2022-01-20. to photo # 01460001101 (Long-tailed Duck)

苟军: 新疆罕见的长尾鸭越冬记录

2022-01-20. to photo # 01460001201 (Horned Grebe)

苟军: 新疆非常罕见的角鸊鷉越冬记录!

2022-01-20. to photo # 01460001201 (Horned Grebe)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 刘哲青2022年1月2日拍摄于库尔勒市区杜鹃河。

2022-01-20. to photo # 01460001001 (Solitary Snipe)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 马光义2022年1月17日拍摄于拜城县木扎特河

2022-01-20. to photo # 01460001102 (Long-tailed Duck)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 马光义2022年1月20日拍摄于阿拉尔市胜利水库。

2022-01-12. to photo # 01460000901 (Eastern Bonelli's Warbler)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 这个重要的记录当时被误当成欧柳莺提交,张浩辉博士于2021年12月在网站上发现是东柳莺,非常感谢张博士的大力帮助。

2022-01-12. to photo # 01460000901 (Eastern Bonelli's Warbler)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 中国鸟类新记录-东柳莺(Phylloscopus orientalis)--2018年10月2日梁勇(图1-4)、吕斌昭(图7)、冯跃华(图5-6)拍摄于新疆奇台县北塔山牧场。New Record of Birds in China- Eastern Bonelli's Warbler Phylloscopus [....]

2022-01-12. to photo # 01460000601 (Brown Shrike)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 新疆鸟类新记录红尾伯劳指名亚种(Lanius cristatus cirstatus)—2020年5月29日杨飞飞(图一)、李世忠(图二、图三)、王剑利、苟军等发现于青河县查干郭勒乡江布塔斯村。New record of Xinjiang birds: [....]

2021-09-09. to photo # 01460000201 (Glossy Ibis)

戈壁胡杨: 杨庭松、闫海军立大功了!

2021-08-08. to photo # 01460000201 (Glossy Ibis)

新疆观鸟记录委员会: 2021年7月17日杨庭松、闫海军等在新源县拍摄到32只彩鹮,为国内罕见的大群记录。

Big Year 2024

1. Rick Wang (279)
2. AhuiVision (180)
3. dinmin (109)
4. Rezaq Hassan (106)
5. yang feifei (104)
6. Yang (99)
7. lixiangren (88)
8. Tiddler (84)
9. Marmot (69)
10. BAI (59)

rare birds records

Pygmy Cormorant (Microcarbo pygmeus)

© daobazi
Xinjiang Changji Manas County National Wetland Park

Dec. 28, 2018, LIU Zhongde found this species in Manas River wetland.

Pied Bushchat (Saxicola caprata)

© gebi huyang

15 Sept 2018, shot from Dafdar,Tashkurghan has been confirmed a new record in Xinjiang.

Sinai Rosefinch (Carpodacus synoicus)

© Marmot
Hetian County

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)

© Allan Linn
Kuntibes, Muji, Akto

27 May 2018, photo by Allan from Kuntibes,Akto has been confirmed a new record in Xinjiang.

more rarities...

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unidentified birds


Birder阿瑞: 赤胸朱顶雀


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大显: 谢谢苟会长!


小鱼: 大鵟

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