

Hybrid Shrike

Lanius (collurio x phoenicuroides)

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2013-05-26 = 2023-05-17

2023-05-17 | | Rick Wang | Lanius (collurio x phoenicuroides)

2022-07-14 | 中文 | yang feifei | Lanius (collurio x phoenicuroides)

2022-07-08 | 中文 | yang feifei | Lanius (collurio x phoenicuroides)

2022-07-07 | 中文 | yang feifei | Lanius (collurio x phoenicuroides)

2022-06-27 | qinghexian | Binzhao Lv | Lanius (collurio x phoenicuroides)

2020-06-19 | 中文 | yang feifei | Lanius (collurio x phoenicuroides)

2019-06-13 | aletai fuhaigongyuan | Binzhao Lv | Lanius (collurio x phoenicuroides)

2018-05-30 | | yang feifei | Lanius (collurio x phoenicuroides)

2018-05-29 | | yang feifei | Lanius (collurio x phoenicuroides)

2017-06-17 | buerjinxian | Lee Tao | Lanius (collurio x phoenicuroides)

2016-05-22 | Aweitan, Aletai | Tiddler | Lanius (collurio x phoenicuroides)

2016-05-22 | nearby Weather stations of Aletai | Black lark | Lanius (collurio x phoenicuroides)

2016-05-15 | Yuming County | Tiddler | Lanius (collurio x phoenicuroides)

2013-05-26 | tacheng | wolf old wolf | Lanius (collurio x phoenicuroides)


relative taxons

Lanius collurio
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Lanius phoenicuroides
(Schalow, 1875)

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unidentified birds


热扎克·艾山: 赤胸朱顶雀(雌鸟)


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大显: 谢谢苟会长!

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