39 689
blog posts
476 photographed species of 498 (95%)


Birdwatching Reports

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2007-03-10 Wujiaqu city qingedahuGou Jun 22
2007-03-09 wulumuqi wulaboGou Jun 24
2007-03-03 wulumuqi nanshanGou Jun 26
2007-03-03 Wulumuqi dongshanRoller MaMing 8
2007-02-24 wulumuqi nanshanGou Jun 24
2007-02-23 Wulumuqi Diwopo AirportRoller MaMing 15
2007-02-13 Wujiaqu city qingedahuGou Jun 7
2007-02-13 Tuokexun Kumishi TownRoller MaMing 5
2007-02-13 Luntai HaerbakeRoller MaMing 7
2007-02-12 Mingfeng RuokeyaRoller MaMing 30
2007-02-11 wulumuqi nanshanGou Jun 21
2007-02-11 Hetian City Kunlun ParkRoller MaMing 23
2007-02-11 Cele Damagou XiangRoller MaMing 8
2007-02-10 Moyu Kalakashihe ValleyRoller MaMing 6
2007-02-10 Pishan CountryRoller MaMing 5
2007-02-10 Shache Dongfanghong reservoirRoller MaMing 20
2007-02-09 Yinjisha Sutigai reservoirRoller MaMing 17
2007-02-08 Jiashi Xikeer reservoirRoller MaMing 7
2007-02-08 Kashi CityRoller MaMing 20
2007-02-07 Kuche Yixihala XiangRoller MaMing 11
2007-02-07 Wensu Walnut forest farmRoller MaMing 16
2007-02-06 Kuerle KuerchuRoller MaMing 11
2007-02-03 wulumuqi wulaboGou Jun 16
2007-01-13 wulumuqi nanshanGou Jun 27
2007-01-13 Wulumuqi wulabo reservoirRoller MaMing 19
2007-01-06 Wulumuqi dongshanGou Jun 18
2007-01-06 Wujiaqu city qingedahuGou Jun 8
2007-01-03 wulumuqi wulaboGou Jun 19
2007-01-02 Wulumuqi wulabo reservoirRoller MaMing 10
2006-12-19 wulumuqi wulaboGou Jun 9
2006-12-16 wulumuqi wulaboGou Jun 30
2006-12-16 Wulumuqi wulabo reservoirRoller MaMing 14
2006-12-09 Kalamaili reserveGou Jun 19
2006-12-08 WUjiaqu Qingedahu reservoirRoller MaMing 10
2006-11-27 Wushi nongyishi 4tuanGou Jun 22
2006-11-07 WUjiaqu Qingedahu reservoirRoller MaMing 45
2006-11-05 shiheziGou Jun 59
2006-11-03 Wulumuqi Diwopo AirportRoller MaMing 16
2006-10-28 Wujiaqu city qingedahuGou Jun 40
2006-10-26 Wulumuqi Diwopo AirportRoller MaMing 20
2006-10-22 Kalamaili reserveGou Jun 51
2006-10-22 Fukang binhu ReservoirGou Jun 17
2006-10-21 Wujiaqu city qingedahuGou Jun 50
2006-10-16 wulumuqi wulaboGou Jun 39
2006-10-16 石河子 石河子附近Gou Jun 85
2006-10-15 wulumuqi nanshanGou Jun 30
2006-10-12 Eming tichanggou Gou Jun 21
2006-10-05 Chabuchaer countryGou Jun 22
2006-10-03 Zhaosu Tekesihe ValleyGou Jun 35
2006-10-02 Xinyuan gongnaisi linchangGou Jun 18
2006-10-01 Hejin baluntaiGou Jun 18
2006-09-29 Wulumuqi Diwopo AirportRoller MaMing 28
2006-09-27 WUjiaqu Bayi reservoirRoller MaMing 27
2006-09-23 YULI talimu xiangGou Jun 16
2006-09-20 WUjiaqu Qingedahu reservoirRoller MaMing 21
2006-09-12 YIwu countryGou Jun 19
2006-09-11 Hami tianshanxiangGou Jun 8
2006-09-05 Wulumuqi Diwopo AirportRoller MaMing 20
2006-09-03 wulumuqi wulaboGou Jun 1
2006-09-02 WUjiaqu Bayi reservoirGou Jun 37
2006-08-29 Wujiaqu city qingedahuGou Jun 34
2006-08-27 Shawan ninjiahe valleyGou Jun 16
2006-08-19 wulumuqi wulaboGou Jun 13
2006-08-19 Wulumuqi AiweiergouGou Jun 23
2006-08-11 Wenquan country Gou Jun 20
2006-08-10 Alashankou cityGou Jun 10
2006-08-09 Wulumuqi Diwopo AirportRoller MaMing 14
2006-08-03 Yuming Baerluke mountainRoller MaMing 40
2006-07-29 Wujiaqu city qingedahuGou Jun 43
2006-07-23 Wulumuqi Diwopo AirportRoller MaMing 18
2006-06-24 Nineke Kashihe villcyGou Jun 56
2006-06-20 wulumuqi nanshanGou Jun 36
2006-06-17 Wulumuqi dongshanGou Jun 21
2006-06-17 Wujiaqu city qingedahuGou Jun 39
2006-06-10 YIwu baishitouGou Jun 18
2006-06-09 Wulumuqi Diwopo AirportRoller MaMing 15
2006-06-08 Wujiaqu city qingedahuGou Jun 31
2006-06-01 Fuhai Wulunguhu LakeRoller MaMing 20
2006-05-30 Fukang wutonggouGou Jun 20
2006-05-27 wulumuqi wulaboGou Jun 31
2006-05-24 Wulumuqi Diwopo AirportRoller MaMing 13
2006-05-23 luntai country Tarim River BridgeGou Jun 22
2006-05-23 Chele country nearbyGou Jun 17
2006-05-17 Taxkorgan to Datongxiang roadGou Jun 37
2006-05-17 Wulumuqi Diwopo AirportRoller MaMing 13
2006-05-15 Shaya paman reservoirGou Jun 17
2006-05-14 乌鲁木齐 乌鲁木齐河河谷Gou Jun 10
2006-05-12 Wujiaqu city qingedahuGou Jun 29
2006-05-11 Qinhe BeitashanRoller MaMing 40
2006-05-07 Kalamaili protection zoneGou Jun 27
2006-05-06 Fuyun keketuohaiGou Jun 53
2006-05-05 Fuhai Wulunguhe lakeGou Jun 61
2006-05-03 Buerjin to jiadengyu roadGou Jun 51
2006-05-01 Habahe Gou Jun 59
2006-05-01 Kuitun 55 townGou Jun 12
2006-04-28 Wulumuqi Diwopo AirportRoller MaMing 13
2006-04-16 Qitai jiangbulakeGou Jun 23
2006-04-15 Mulei bsitanxiangGou Jun 17
2006-04-13 Wulumuqi dongshanGou Jun 17
2006-04-11 Wujiaqu city qingedahuGou Jun 28

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rare birds records

Pygmy Cormorant (Microcarbo pygmeus)

© daobazi
Xinjiang Changji Manas County National Wetland Park

Dec. 28, 2018, LIU Zhongde found this species in Manas River wetland.

Pied Bushchat (Saxicola caprata)

© gebi huyang

15 Sept 2018, shot from Dafdar,Tashkurghan has been confirmed a new record in Xinjiang.

Sinai Rosefinch (Carpodacus synoicus)

© Marmot
Hetian County

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)

© Allan Linn
Kuntibes, Muji, Akto

27 May 2018, photo by Allan from Kuntibes,Akto has been confirmed a new record in Xinjiang.

more rarities...

Big Year 2024

1. Rick Wang (296)
2. AhuiVision (187)
3. dinmin (154)
4. Yang (125)
5. Rezaq Hassan (116)
6. yang feifei (114)
7. lixiangren (88)
8. Tiddler (84)
9. Marmot (69)
10. BAI (59)

unidentified birds


热扎克·艾山: 赤胸朱顶雀(雌鸟)


no any comments:


大显: 谢谢苟会长!


小鱼: 大鵟

more unidentified birds...