
Best photos of the month, January 2019.

Common Raven | Binzhao Lv | 4

Greater White-fronted Goose | Marmot | 4

Lapland Longspur | Rick Wang | 4

Chukar Partridge | Binzhao Lv | 3

Solitary Snipe | Binzhao Lv | 3

Little Grebe | Binzhao Lv | 3

Pallas's Bunting | Binzhao Lv | 3

White-headed Duck | Marmot | 3

Hybrid Crow | 人工 | 3

Horned Lark | Binzhao Lv | 2

White-tailed Sea Eagle | Binzhao Lv | 2

White-throated Dipper | Binzhao Lv | 2

Long-tailed Duck | Binzhao Lv | 2

Red-breasted Merganser | Binzhao Lv | 2

Common Merganser | Binzhao Lv | 2

Common Goldeneye | Binzhao Lv | 2

Whooper Swan | Binzhao Lv | 2

Ferruginous Pochard | Binzhao Lv | 2

Eastern Buzzard | Liujianming | 2

Spotted Nutcracker | Rezaq Hassan | 2

Rock Ptarmigan | hpx | 2

Chukar Partridge | hpx | 2

Chukar Partridge | hpx | 2

Bearded Reedling | hpx | 2

Mistle Thrush | Daxian | 2

Golden Eagle | Binzhao Lv | 2

Red-breasted Merganser | Binzhao Lv | 2

Himalayan Griffon | 人工 | 2



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jan feb mar apr
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jan feb mar apr
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Big Year 2024

1. Rick Wang (296)
2. AhuiVision (187)
3. dinmin (154)
4. Yang (125)
5. Rezaq Hassan (116)
6. yang feifei (114)
7. lixiangren (88)
8. Tiddler (84)
9. Marmot (69)
10. BAI (59)

rare birds records

Pygmy Cormorant (Microcarbo pygmeus)

© daobazi
Xinjiang Changji Manas County National Wetland Park

Dec. 28, 2018, LIU Zhongde found this species in Manas River wetland.

Pied Bushchat (Saxicola caprata)

© gebi huyang

15 Sept 2018, shot from Dafdar,Tashkurghan has been confirmed a new record in Xinjiang.

Sinai Rosefinch (Carpodacus synoicus)

© Marmot
Hetian County

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)

© Allan Linn
Kuntibes, Muji, Akto

27 May 2018, photo by Allan from Kuntibes,Akto has been confirmed a new record in Xinjiang.

unidentified birds


热扎克·艾山: 赤胸朱顶雀(雌鸟)


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